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4.5 out of 5 stars

Electronic Arts Star Wars Battlefront 2 - PS4

$29.99 63% off Reference Price
Platform: PlayStation 4
Edition: Standard
Condition: New
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Top positive review
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Extremely underrated
By michael on Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2017
All I've been hearing about star wars battlefront 2 is hate and how it's pay to win but despite all the bad press i pre ordered it anyway because the trailer looked really cool and after playing the campaign multiplayer and arcade mode i love this game it's the best star wars game I've played in years and is almost as good as the old battlefront games the campaign more is great the acting story and gameplay is awesome the multiplayer is amazing my favorite game mode is galactic assault the battles and maps are massive and I've experienced no lag or server issues playing on my original ps4 and arcade mode is cool too custom arcade team battle mode is my favorite you can play split screen with or against a freind with bots there's Tons of settings like Changing team sizes bot difficulty maps etc so you have a great offline co-op experience similar to the old battlefront games the only mode that would be cool is a skirmish modeNow I'd like to clear up some myths about this game first off STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2 IS NOT PAY TO WIN i haven't bought one micro transaction and I've been doing great in multiplayer and racking up kills and I've been earning lots of credits through pure gameplay I've only had the game for a few days and I have almost all of the the heroes unlocked and I've had no problem getting loot crates with the credits I've earned through gameplay again I haven't spent a penny on any micro transactions and I've had no problem winning a match and unlocking heroes and crates and I'm not an EA corporate defender i despise pay to win games and I'm very anti corporate but This game IS NOT PAY TO WIN everything can be attained through gameplay and it doesn't take 60 hours in fact I think a lot of these negative reviews are from people who haven't even played the gameOverall star wars battlefront 2 is a great game and a great sequel to the original battlefront games hopefully all this bad press won't affect additional content for this great gameHighly recommended
Top critical review
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With a Heavy Heart.... I Give You 1 Star.
By Sean Saunders on Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2017
I hate leaving one stars, I really do. In my mind, to leave a 1 star review, everything has to go wrong with the product OR it has to be an outright scam for customers. I say it with a heavy heart, but this is a game worthy of the infamous 1 star rating. I took time to write this... this is how upset I am with this game and what they have attempted to do. Please read on.BF2 shouldn't be a 1 star because....The graphics are incredible.The combat is solid.The new heroes are cool.The space combat is awesome.The single player story is excellent (but short).Those features would get this game a 5 star rating from me. No question. But... and this is a MASSIVE BEHEMOTH BUT....Those aspects don't make up for this games beyond absurd progression system, which is entirely based upon greed and milking customers of their cash (they did remove the in-game purchases for now, but the system is still in place and it is the SYSTEM that is the problem).I loved BF1. I loved it. Great game and I had countless hours of fun.This game... while I am still playing it at the moment, it's an absolute mess and hard to truly enjoy like BF1. I feel actual anger when I go to upgrade my abilities or try to get a new weapon... because it's simply ridiculous. I never had this feeling in BF1.BF1: "I got 10,000 credits. Woo! Time to buy the guns I want and get some sweet upgrades. Yeah!!!"BF2: "Well, I played 10 matches and finally have enough for 1 single loot create. What the what.... what is this garbage! Star cards for a class I don't use? WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!"It's a nightmare. It is essentially a giant pay-to-win, grind scheme. The grinding is so long and so horrendous that it's basically a middle finger to average players who are seeking enjoyment and fun with their down time; not some sort of masochistic obstacle course to unlock a few weapons and heroes.A huge amount of content is locked behind a ridiculous grind fest and a loot box scheme the likes of which I've only seen in mobile games -- which are FREE as most of you know. This game cost $60... so there is no excuse.Skill progression is purely LOOT BOX BASED. Everything is based around it. It is an entirely different system from BF1.I can't buy the guns I want, or the skills I want, even after hours of playing. I have to buy loot boxes with credits, which are earned abysmally slow. What's funny is if they jacked up the credit gain rate by 3x or 5x, it probably wouldn't be as bad.Get a duplicate card? Here's a paltry 200 credits... thanks for playing our gambling simulator!You know how much loot boxes cost? 2000 to 4000. You know how much you get per match? Roughly 200 to 400 on average. Do the math. It's insulting.While they have temporarily removed in-app-purchases, that's just because they got a lot of heat from angry gamers. From my understanding, they plan to bring them back later once that heat has died down and we have forgotten.I understand the need to generate more revenue. I get it completely. But pay to win is never the answer; especially when you charge full price for the game upfront. This goes so far beyond what could be considered acceptable... that I am actually writing a 1 star review (something I don't do) based on a franchise I absolutely love more than any other game genre.EA... you've gone too far this time.A Simple Proposed Fix: Increase the Credit Gain for Online Matches by a Factor of 3 or 5. The loot box progression system could be tolerated if credits were earned at a much faster rate. But... therein lies the problem for EA. If they do that.... that's less revenue for them.

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Extremely underrated
By michael - Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2017
Verified Amazon Purchase
All I've been hearing about star wars battlefront 2 is hate and how it's pay to win but despite all the bad press i pre ordered it anyway because the trailer looked really cool and after playing the campaign multiplayer and arcade mode i love this game it's the best star wars game I've played in years and is almost as good as the old battlefront games the campaign more is great the acting story and gameplay is awesome the multiplayer is amazing my favorite game mode is galactic assault the battles and maps are massive and I've experienced no lag or server issues playing on my original ps4 and arcade mode is cool too custom arcade team battle mode is my favorite you can play split screen with or against a freind with bots there's Tons of settings like Changing team sizes bot difficulty maps etc so you have a great offline co-op experience similar to the old battlefront games the only mode that would be cool is a skirmish modeNow I'd like to clear up some myths about this game first off STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2 IS NOT PAY TO WIN i haven't bought one micro transaction and I've been doing great in multiplayer and racking up kills and I've been earning lots of credits through pure gameplay I've only had the game for a few days and I have almost all of the the heroes unlocked and I've had no problem getting loot crates with the credits I've earned through gameplay again I haven't spent a penny on any micro transactions and I've had no problem winning a match and unlocking heroes and crates and I'm not an EA corporate defender i despise pay to win games and I'm very anti corporate but This game IS NOT PAY TO WIN everything can be attained through gameplay and it doesn't take 60 hours in fact I think a lot of these negative reviews are from people who haven't even played the gameOverall star wars battlefront 2 is a great game and a great sequel to the original battlefront games hopefully all this bad press won't affect additional content for this great gameHighly recommended
Support the Star Wars Franchise, buy the game, micro transactions stopped by Disney!
By Sam's-Review - Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2017
Verified Amazon Purchase
This game is absolutely beautiful and it’s a masterpiece!*Disney has stopped the micro transactions by EA. They understand that micro transactions may not be a good thing and are working on correcting the situation. EA (may) lose their exclusivity. But meanwhile we still need to support Disney...its still a damn good game, and ALL of you know you want to play buy it!We need to support our gaming community and support Disney…show your support by buying the game so they can bring us more exciting games in the future…it’s as simple as that!I did my part and dropped $60…so can all of you!I love the single player campaign story-line…they finally hit a home-run with that one. I just need at least (15-20) hours worth of story-line to play instead of just (5) hours…if you do that, you WILL always have my money.I do (NOT) like micro transaction actions...but I don't hear anybody complaining about "Star Citizen" which is way worse. We need to be consistent across the board, and not be hypocrites. I think game progression should always be earned through blood, sweat and tears with some hard persistent grinding!The game has its flaws but at the end of the day, its still fun....its Star Wars!The Facts:1. Beautiful game that’s true to Star Wars2. Epic single and multi-player Battles3. Excellent game play options.4. Optional to switch from first person to 3rd person.5. Excellent detail in the photo realism of the (cut-scenes) and game play.6. Space combat is amazing, but can’t be played offline…WTF7. Single player campaign needs to be at least 15-20 hours long instead of 5 hours.8. Micro transactions, and loot boxes have been stopped by Disney.9. Progression should always be earned through grinding and hardwork, NOT purchased.Despite some of the problems, things will get better guys…but you all know we love this game…LOL!!!Thank you
I'm having alot of fun!
By Matt M - Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2017
Verified Amazon Purchase
I'm loving this game so far. I played through the campaign and I really liked it although its short. I like most of maps on multiplayer and the graphics are great and it gets really exciting when the music kicks in. I think the new star fighter assault is alot more fun and easier to play than in the first game. I'm also glad there isnt a bacta bomb in this game which was really annoying in the first game. I got the standard edition when it came out and I played the first 2 days without any star cards and I almost always got MVP. In that same weekend I was able to unlock 75% of the guns and all the modifications for the guns I actually like using. I know alot of people are upset with the progression system and loot boxes but quite honestly I dont think its that bad, its a grind but it doesn't really bother me because I have fun just playing the game. I forget about loot boxes. The star cards wont save someone from getting flanked or getting hit with a headshot. Just because a player has 3 epic star cards equipped doesn't make them invincible. That goes for hero characters too. You can't just pick a hero and expect to go into a room and annihilate everyone. You will get taken out quick if everyone shoots you at the same time, which they will. I know this isn't going to be everyones experience and I'm not trying to say people are right or wrong, i'm just saying that I personally am having a good time with this game.
A Great Improvement over the 2015 Game!
By evani1997 - Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2019
Verified Amazon Purchase
Several years ago, my siblings and I spent hours on our PlayStation 2 playing a game called Star Wars: Battlefront II. The game was a perfect culmination of two things we loved: Star Wars and video games. It was easily one of our favorite games based on a popular franchise. About ten years later, EA announced that they were rebooting the Battlefront games in a style that was more akin to modern shooter games. The result was gorgeous, but very bland. After receiving much criticism, EA took a second shot at Battlefront that featured significantly more content. While the results aren’t perfect, the final product represents a fun time and a massive improvement over its predecessor.The new Star Wars: Battlefront II’s upgrades are immediately clear. Instead of featuring four to five worlds based on the Original Trilogy, the game features sixteen worlds based on all three Star Wars eras. This instantly gives Battlefront II an artistic advantage. Not only is there more variety, but the worlds look much more like something out of the movies than the original. The 2015 game used the Original Trilogy’s limited special effects as an excuse to make empty worlds based on generic themes (such as a desert or a forest). This is thankfully not the case with this one. Not only are there more creative worlds from the Prequel and Sequel Trilogies, but the same worlds from the first game have much more Star Wars-specific features. For example, Tatooine actually takes place in the bustling city of Mos Eisley instead of just an empty desert.But the game does not only improve on the level design. Because it takes elements from all the Star Wars movies, there are significantly more characters as well. Finally, we can play as characters such as Yoda and Darth Maul in glorious HD graphics! After all the updates, pretty much all of the most important characters from the Star Wars universe are now playable, including Obi-Wan Kenobi (my favorite character since I was a kid). You are also able to play as troopers from all the eras. First Order troopers, clone troopers, Resistance soldiers, and droids join the roster, making the battles more interesting. Unlike the Heroes, though, the standard troopers are playable only on planets from their respective eras. For example, clone troopers cannot be played as on Jakku and Stormtroopers cannot be played as on Kamino.Battlefront II also adds a number of new offline modes that makes the game feel more complete. One of the most common criticisms of the last games was a lack of a campaign mode. This time, however, there is a full canonical story dedicated to the time between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. The plot follows Iden Versio, the leader of the Inferno Squad, an Imperial Special Forces unit. After seeing the second Death Star blow up above the atmosphere of Endor, she now has to find out how to deal with the war afterwards. While telling the story from the perspective of an Imperial is interesting, the story itself is rather boring. It’s not only a bit short; it just doesn’t contribute anything special to the saga. I’d still say it’s better than nothing, though. Being able to play the game against CPUs with straightforward objectives is still something that has benefit, even if the context isn’t that great.A couple of other offline modes include Battle Scenarios and Custom Arcade. Battle Scenarios are fun because they present challenges with specific rules. Sometimes they require you to play as a certain character. Other times, they will limit what kinds of weapons you can use. Each Battle Scenario has three difficulties and is separated by Light Side and Dark Side. Custom Arcade, on the other hand, is a good way to set up your own rules. You can pick any world, what kinds of characters are available (heroes, troopers, or both), how many enemies there are, and how difficult they are. Both Battle Scenarios and Custom arcade support two-player local multiplayer, which is nice for those of us who grew up on local play.Of course, all of these offline modes are practically extras compared to the online modes. Battlefront II, like its 2015 predecessor, is a game that emphasizes online multiplayer. There are over ten online modes. Most are trooper based, but there are some modes for heroes and some modes for spaceships. The modes present a good amount of variety. I personally enjoy playing Heroes vs. Villains, a 4 vs. 4 multiplayer match where everyone plays as a main character from the saga.Perhaps the most interesting, though, is the recently added Capital Supremacy. This mode features Command Posts like the original Battlefront II. This time, however, the fight is a bit more complicated. By capturing Command Posts, the teams gain points and fill a meter. Once their meter is full, the team flies up to the opposing team’s battleship and tries to destroy it. If the team trying to destroy the ship fails, both teams go back to the battleground and try again. There are a lot of layers to this mode, which makes it feel like a full-scale, realistic war.Playing online can prove to be both fun and challenging. Though it’s difficult to get into the action amongst players who have been at this a while, the game makes it easy to level up your characters. You can earn experience points for killing enemies, hitting enemies, “playing the objective,” and even dying (which the game refers to as “sacrifice”). While dying might seem like a cheap way to gain experience, it helps level the playing field for new players. Leveling up characters allows you to purchase Star Cards, which unlocks special abilities. You can also upgrade your Star Cards so that their effects are more potent.Playing online or offline will earn you credits, which can be spent to unlock costumes, emotes, and victory poses. Credits are more difficult to earn quickly offline, though there are still certain challenges that can earn credits faster. This brings me to discuss the infamous loot box controversy. Before the game was released, EA had announced that they were going to have loot boxes that would provide players competitive advantages. This caused an outcry, with several people claiming that this made the game into a “pay to win” kind of game. EA thankfully removed this before the game was released, but the damage was already done. Though you can spend real-world money to get things in the game, the only things you can get are purely cosmetic. I for one have only spent about $45 on the game: $25 on the disc (the game is even cheaper now than when I bought it) and $20 for two months of PlayStation Plus so I can play online. Truthfully, this is the only thing that bothers me regarding money. I think it is unfortunate that, aside from PC users, players are required to pay for an online service so that they can experience the majority of features. Still, given how cheap the game is by itself, paying for online isn’t as bad as it could have been.While I don’t find the financial aspect of the game to be that problematic, there are a few other notable problems. First, I felt that the physics took some getting used to. After playing several hours of Destiny 2, which has pretty realistic physics, I was surprised at how much floatier this game felt. I eventually got used to it, but it still doesn’t have the same gravity that the Destiny games have. Another issue I had was that this game is a major data hog. As of right now, it requires about 100 GB of data to play online. I have a larger storage capacity, so it worked out fine. But without one, it would eat up about one-fifth of my PlayStation 4’s data. For those of you who have a PlayStation 4 Pro (or an Xbox One X), this shouldn’t be an issue. But for the rest of us who bought the original systems, the amount of data this game takes is annoying at best. Finally, Battlefront II requires a solid internet connection to be fully enjoyed. Though some modes like Blast or Heroes vs. Villains can perform fine under most circumstances, larger modes that have forty players need really good internet. Sometimes it worked for me; other times it didn’t. I believe this is because multiple people were connected to the same router, but sometimes it seemed like it struggled when I was the only one using it.The new Star Wars: Battlefront II may not be as fun or as content-filled as the original Battlefront II, but it still is an enjoyable game that is significantly better than the Battlefront that came before it. The game is so cheap now, I would recommend it to almost any Star Wars fan. The graphics, characters, worlds, and multiplayer modes make this game one of the better Star Wars games to have come out in a long time. Unfortunately, there are still the drawbacks from the data requirements and the mandatory online service fee. Even still, Battlefront II is a solid title that serves as a great celebration of the franchise.Final Score: 8.6/10
When it first came out it had a lot of bad reviews because of the micro-transactions but they seem to ...
By Bobby - Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2018
Verified Amazon Purchase
I started playing this the week it came out. When it first came out it had a lot of bad reviews because of the micro-transactions but they seem to have done away with that for the most part. I thought the campaign was very entertaining with a good storyline and plenty of missions, which SWBF1 lacked. After beating the campaign I tried out the online gameplay and the arcade modes. The graphics are incredible and the weapons/wardrobes are all very detailed and pretty accurate to my knowledge. Unfortunately I live in a rural area so my internet connection is not that great and at certain times I have to settle for just playing arcade mode which isn't all that bad! They made some huge improvements from the first one and I could play arcade mode for hours without losing interest. At first they only had 4 or 5 maps but with recent updates they added MOST of the maps from online play so there's lots to do offline. Of course, they put way more effort into online play so that's where you can get the full experience but I definitely appreciate the work put into the offline game modes. It gives you the classic experience, in case you don't have high speed internet, or if you want to do split screen with friends. Overall this is a great game that I think most Star Wars fans can enjoy!
Thank you
By Benjamin hall - Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2025
Verified Amazon Purchase
The family members who I got the game for loves it and it was in really good condition. Thank you!!!!
Superb Game!
By Niilo T. - Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2017
Verified Amazon Purchase
I honestly can't understand all the hate for this game. It's awesome!OK - I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, so I was likely to love this game no matter what, but it truly is fun and challenging without being prohibitively difficult to move up through the levels.I loved the original BF, but having been playing it for two years now, it feels somewhat limited and dated, so I have been eagerly awaiting BFII, but with so many negative reviews I had some trepidation. However, all my fears were unfounded, as this game is absolutely fantastic!The graphics are incredible, and the massive 40 player battles are immersive and intense with multiple stages and tasks to complete.A lot of negativity seems to have been directed towards the 'loot crate' system, with people comparing it to the "Call of Duty" games. Well, I actually enjoy playing COD:Infinite Warfare a lot, so the multiplayer gameplay paradigm of BFII is, in my opinion, a positive in this case.I see no problem with encouraging people play and play well in order to level up, improve their skill and build up their character and their arsenal of weapons.
By Emma - Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2023
Verified Amazon Purchase
It’s a cool game. Very short storyline though. Not too much to do offline. Amazing graphics though!
With a Heavy Heart.... I Give You 1 Star.
By Sean Saunders - Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2017
Verified Amazon Purchase
I hate leaving one stars, I really do. In my mind, to leave a 1 star review, everything has to go wrong with the product OR it has to be an outright scam for customers. I say it with a heavy heart, but this is a game worthy of the infamous 1 star rating. I took time to write this... this is how upset I am with this game and what they have attempted to do. Please read on.BF2 shouldn't be a 1 star because....The graphics are incredible.The combat is solid.The new heroes are cool.The space combat is awesome.The single player story is excellent (but short).Those features would get this game a 5 star rating from me. No question. But... and this is a MASSIVE BEHEMOTH BUT....Those aspects don't make up for this games beyond absurd progression system, which is entirely based upon greed and milking customers of their cash (they did remove the in-game purchases for now, but the system is still in place and it is the SYSTEM that is the problem).I loved BF1. I loved it. Great game and I had countless hours of fun.This game... while I am still playing it at the moment, it's an absolute mess and hard to truly enjoy like BF1. I feel actual anger when I go to upgrade my abilities or try to get a new weapon... because it's simply ridiculous. I never had this feeling in BF1.BF1: "I got 10,000 credits. Woo! Time to buy the guns I want and get some sweet upgrades. Yeah!!!"BF2: "Well, I played 10 matches and finally have enough for 1 single loot create. What the what.... what is this garbage! Star cards for a class I don't use? WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!"It's a nightmare. It is essentially a giant pay-to-win, grind scheme. The grinding is so long and so horrendous that it's basically a middle finger to average players who are seeking enjoyment and fun with their down time; not some sort of masochistic obstacle course to unlock a few weapons and heroes.A huge amount of content is locked behind a ridiculous grind fest and a loot box scheme the likes of which I've only seen in mobile games -- which are FREE as most of you know. This game cost $60... so there is no excuse.Skill progression is purely LOOT BOX BASED. Everything is based around it. It is an entirely different system from BF1.I can't buy the guns I want, or the skills I want, even after hours of playing. I have to buy loot boxes with credits, which are earned abysmally slow. What's funny is if they jacked up the credit gain rate by 3x or 5x, it probably wouldn't be as bad.Get a duplicate card? Here's a paltry 200 credits... thanks for playing our gambling simulator!You know how much loot boxes cost? 2000 to 4000. You know how much you get per match? Roughly 200 to 400 on average. Do the math. It's insulting.While they have temporarily removed in-app-purchases, that's just because they got a lot of heat from angry gamers. From my understanding, they plan to bring them back later once that heat has died down and we have forgotten.I understand the need to generate more revenue. I get it completely. But pay to win is never the answer; especially when you charge full price for the game upfront. This goes so far beyond what could be considered acceptable... that I am actually writing a 1 star review (something I don't do) based on a franchise I absolutely love more than any other game genre.EA... you've gone too far this time.A Simple Proposed Fix: Increase the Credit Gain for Online Matches by a Factor of 3 or 5. The loot box progression system could be tolerated if credits were earned at a much faster rate. But... therein lies the problem for EA. If they do that.... that's less revenue for them.
Much improved over SWB I. Flightstick compatibility and gameplay that emphasizes/rewards teamwork would make it better.
By nom de plume - Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2017
Verified Amazon Purchase
I'll get straight to the points:I'm giving it 4 stars, though my rating may increase to 4 stars once I start playing in Team Play games- MUCH improvement over SWB I. Ability to focus your attention on particular classes that fit your gaming style, and then focus on specific attributes within those classes, is great.- The campaign mode is decent considering that the main focus of SWB II is on-line play. In the campaign, you'll have the opportunity to play many of the "Hero" characters that you can unlock in standard on-line play.- The addition of vehicles is good, but the PS4 controllers prevent gameplay from being fun. If there was a flightstick out there that supported SWB II, it would change everything.- The "Galactic Assault" 40-player on-line games are pretty much a Charlie Foxtrot. As would be expected, the individual players are all looking out for themselves in order to maximize kills and XP. There is no way to communicate with the other players, so there is really no way to develop a strategy. And it appears as if there is no real incentive for your team to win a match or game - it seems like your XP and credit rewards are the same whether you win or lose. A team reward for winners would help this a little bit, but it's an unavoidable fact that most people will always look out for themselves.- "Strike" on-line play is the same as "Galactic Assault", only it's smaller-scale and there are no vehicles Strike games have fewer players (10 per team instead of 20"), and a smaller battlefield. I've found that the smaller numbers and battlefield encourage people to work together a little more than the wide-open Galactic Assault games, and I therefore I actually enjoy Strike games more than Galactic Assault.- Again, a flightstick option would make the vehicle games SO much better.- The whole "pay-to-win" thing has been corrected (unless you pre-purchased crystals, in which case you're still waiting to see what EA is going to do.) If you have ZERO skills and play the game for less than 15 minutes, at a bare minimum you'll accumulate one crate and 1,000 credits. How?**By logging in once every 24 hours, you automatically receive a free crate that contains 3 items. The items are typically: a random star card (to enhance a trooper, hero, or vehicle); credits to buy things; and parts to improve the things you already have.** Play 10 solo games in arcade mode. Each game you play - whether you win or lose - will give you 100 credits. Playing battle scenarios will take longer, require skills ranging from basic to strong (depending on the difficulty level), and can give you bonus rewards depending on any of the "Challenges" the game has given you. BUT, if you want to earn some quick credits and/or have no skills, you can set up a custom game to make the AI as dumb as possible, you as strong as possible (double health, one-shot kills, etc..), and the number of kills required to win a game as few as possible (10 kills in the lowest). Play 10 games in a row with these settings and you'll end up with 1,000 credits in approximately 15 minutes (it actually takes longer for the game to load than it does for you to win a game.)The above "tricks" won't improve your skills, but like I said, you are guaranteed a crate and at least 1,000 credits a day for 15 minutes of game play.You'll need 15,000 credits to unlock the characters of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. You'll easily earn 15,000 credits in two weeks or less with the credits from your arcade gameplay and the credits in your free daily crate.Skywalker and Vader are the most expensive "Heroes". Other heroes can be purchased starting at 5,000 credits. A Trooper crate costs 4,000 credits. A hero or vehicle crate costs 2200 credits.-- Finally, the whole currency and level up system can initially be hella confusing if you're trying to figure it out on your own. Spend 15 minutes Googling and watching some videos that explain things and things will be cleared up.In summary, the game gets 3 stars. The communication capability could improve things to 4 stars once I start team play mode. Flightstick compatibility would greatly improve vehicle gameplay.
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