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All the important features most people need at a low price.
By Cirrus1500 on Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2021
My last kindle is a Kindle keyboard or Kindle Gen 3 which cost $139 in 2012. This one is a Gen 10 which cost less than half of that during a sales. When I first opened the package, this 10th gen looks so tiny I am afraid it may be unusable, but the screen measures the same size (6") as my Kindle 3, so the experience should be at least the same or better. Considering that it now now has a front lit light, a touch screen, support for bluetooth audio (for audiobooks), it supports nearly everything most people will need it for. 8GB is more than enough for a few hundred books + a few large audio books which I will read or listen to at any period. Since the rest of the library are on the amazon cloud and can be downloaded when needed, larger storage is not really necessary. Compared to the Paperwhite (2018 version) which is the next step up in price, I don’t really notice the difference in the resolution (167dpi vs 300 dpi) for most text based books (novels, for dummies books, etc) unless looking at very small fonts or images, so it is really a non issue. And I almost never use a kindle in places where it needs to be waterproof, so waterproofing is never an issue too. Plus, the large bezels of the 2018 paperwhite looks dated. The 10th gen Kindle has slimmer bezels , is smaller, lighter and so looks more modern in my opinion. To me, this 10th gen kindle is like having the paperwhite in a more modern package (also at a lower price :) )What I wish this 10 gen Kindle has is the white text on black background mode (the paperwhite and higher models have this). I use this mode on my Kindle app on iPad all the time in bed. With lights off, the white texts on black background is easier on the eyes. This is an accessibility issue (for people with eye problems) so Amazon should put the feature on all kindle versions, not just the higher priced ones.Another feature that can be improved is the landscape mode. When viewing some figures or texts, landscape mode makes reading more convenient. However, the landscape mode on this 10th gen kindle rotates the book by 90 degrees anti-clockwise only, meaning I have to rotate the kindle clockwise to read the texts. The larger bottom bezels will be on the left so naturally this forces me to use my left hand to hold it. But most people are right handers, including myself, so it will be better if Amazon will add a “rotate” feature so users can rotate the book so that the bottom bezels be on the right for right handers. I believe you have to upgrade to the Oasis at 3 times the price to get an auto rotate feature that orient the book that way in landscape, which is crazy expensive for such a basic feature.Anyway, 5 stars for this 10 gen kindle for its excellent value, other than the small ergonomic shortcomings.
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Don't Give Away Your Real Books Yet
By Chuck Starks on Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2022
I think Amazon has many Kindle e-Reader users who use their e-Readers every day, have thousands of volumes on their Kindles, purchase multiple e-books per week, read several thousand words per minute, and who often encounter more “You purchased this item on ...” in their frequent e-book browsing on Amazon.I know these users are disappointed with Amazon’s recently updated Kindles because I am one. I read many thousands of words per minute, had thousands of books on my Kindle, and purchase 20 to 30 books a month. I purchased my first paper back from Amazon in September 1995 and my first Kindle book in December 2011. I was disappointed with my 4th Kindle purchase, at 10th Generation, in February 2022 & my 5th today, a used 8th Generation.First, its screen touch event handling was buggy, often requiring 10 to 40 taps, and sometimes many hard thumb thumps to move to the next page. Worse, periodically after a long series of thumps it would flip page after page after page, frequently 50 or more pages, requiring a long backward search for my last read page. This unbelievably frustrating defect caused my reading speed to fall by more than half.Second, it repeatedly lost my book sorting options. At first I had to reboot the Kindle to enforce my desired sort option, but finally after an reset I only had to flip between the sort options to keep my books sorted as I desired.Third, the 'most recent' sorting option failed its book positioning, e.g., when you opened a book it did not move it to the first page of your library nor did it reposition you in your library.On March 16, 2022 Amazon installed a new version of software of my 10th Gen Kindle without my permission and later they did the same thing on a used 8th Gen Kindle. At 8AM on the March 16th I opened my 10th Generation Kindle E-Reader planning to return to my prior night's reading, instead I was invited to a new Kindle experience. After hitting NEXT-NEXT-NEXT more times than I could count and controlling my temper enough not to smash my Kindle into the wall I got to my library. Amazon had replaced the paged library entries with the scrollbar used on tablets and phone Kindle apps. A user interface I despise since it makes it impossible to review libraries with few hundred books. I have thousands. It is one reason I seldom use the Kindle app on my phone. A critical difference, however, is that this e-reader still has the touch event handling bugs, making the new scrollbar worse than useless.Anyone with any experience knows using scroll bars to navigate thousands of entries is an exercise in madness. And without scrolling keys extreme insanity. For example, consider the sorted 59 item 2-letter postal scroll bar for the US’s 50 states and 9 territories. Those from Montana, even the hunt-and-peck typists, undoubtedly feel frustrated hitting 'M' once and the down arrow 9 times to get to MT to pick your 2-letter state abbreviation with this scrollbar. After all, even hunt-and-peck typists from Montana probably have the location of the 'T' memorized.Before I scrolled down 1 page with this new interface it opened 2 long, 1,000+ page books I'd completed just days before. I had to wait for each download and open to complete, because I didn't see a cancel cross by the download like the previous version had, but I may have missed it because I was blind with rage by then. Worse, with this new scrollbar interface I could not find the book I was reading the night before. The most recent book I was reading. The book I wanted to resume reading when I picked my Kindle that morning. That book was not shown on the scrollbar!The prior version had a “GO TO PAGE” popup you reached by tapping the page number allowing me to find unfinished books easily, but that isn’t there anymore. Remember, Kindle E-readers do not have keyboards, no page up or down buttons, no scroll up or down keys. You must control everything include this new scrollbar with one finger on a screen that, has we know from my first complaint above, does not have good event controls.Now suppose you have a 2,000 item library that with the old Kindle display was spread over 400 pages and you knew that page 200 has your oldest unfinished books. Before 3/16/22 I only took five taps to get to any page between 100 or 400, but on my phone with the Kindle app’s scrollbar it took several minutes of fast finger flicking to fly through my library without looking at a title to reach that last page. And the phone’s Kindle app downloaded 3 titles on the finger scrolling efforts. Now Amazon has made this user interface standard across all Kindle platforms!Once you have a scrollbar widget, it's tempting and easy to dump everything into it. However, my old X-widget and HTML programming manuals from the mid 1980s clearly say scrollbar menus should be easily keyed and not be long, e.g., keyed like state abbreviation codes with no more than 60 items. The manuals all recommended partitioned, multi-level menus to handle more items. The manuals were written by the creators of these user interfaces at Xerox Park, UC Berkley, and Bell Labs.Now Amazon’s software engineers have put 2,000 items in a most recently accessed sort with no possible entry key. This is software engineering at its worst; I have not seen such poor software engineering in many, many decades. And it says a lot about how Amazon currently views its Kindle E-Reader customers that they'd release this poorly engineered user interface. Somehow I feed an Android/Google cabal at Amazon has takeAmazon probably will not fix any of these defects because Amazon has clearly made a conscious decision to abandon a solid user interface to reduce programming costs by using the same software across all devices supported by Kindle. I do not think Amazon is just trying to reduce Kindle support costs here. The Kindle e-Reader is what gave Amazon its dominance in the e-book market. I think an executive cabal is convinced the Android platform is best for users. Well, that cabal will hurt Amazon's e-book market.An Amazon consultant suggested I use the Kindle’s “Collections” feature to organize my books. Now I used this feature on my last Kindle, but I could not find those collections on the new one. Maybe they were there, but hidden. My previous collections were narrow ones anyway: “BORING”, “RAMBLES”, “STUPID”, and “BAD.”How should I arrange 2,000 volumes? 20 collections of 100 books each? 16 collections of 125 books each? 25 collections of 80 books each? What criteria should I use to make a collection? How about by year purchased? But then my most recent years would have hundreds of entries Besides, I once checked some of my “STUPID” collection and found out Amazon no longer sold some of the e-books. So I doubt I can even find out when I purchased all my e-books. No matter how I arrange these books I would encounter scrollbar menu overload searching my library. I prefer my original use of collections: “STUPID and BAD.”Regarding the title of this review, since 2011 as I became more and more sucked in by my good Kindle experiences, I've given away many thousands of hard copy books to libraries and charities. Amazon sucked me into believing they would only improve my Kindle experience, not screw it up. After 27 years as an Amazon customer and 11 as a Kindle user they made it FUBAR -- FOULED UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION.Now I'm sorry I gave away all that reading material. I cannot take my Mac to bed and I only use the Kindle smart phone app as a last resort. I've had to dug up my old night reading light and taken to wandering into used book stores. Amazon clearly doesn't care about its longtime customers anymore and has tossed human factor engineering in the trash.I’ve returned both Kindles and I wish I could get the monies I put into a gift card account for e-Book purchases back, but I cannot. I cannot put up with such poor human factors engineering on the part of Amazon. Until March 16th I had 4 years of continuous daily use of my Kindle and bought 4 or more e-books per week. Both streaks have ended and the phone, tablet, and PC apps have many more intolerable bugs than the Kindle e-Reader.For 11 years Kindle e-Readers provided me great reading experiences. Now I will not pay for an e-reader that provides a worse reading experience than the free Apps on my phone or tablet. Perhaps Amazon intends to drop this e-Reader.
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